Задание №64798 ЕГЭ по Английскому языку

Тема : Понимание структурно-смысловых связей в тексте
Раздел: Чтение
11 линия
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Hemingway in Cuba

History and Cuba go hand in hand. About 16 kilometres east of Havana, Cuba’s capital, lies the small town of San Francisco de Paula, A                            located. It was the part-time residence of Ernest Hemingway for 20 years. He lived there between 1939 and 1959, B                            during that period.

Upon Hemingway’s death, Finca La Vigia was turned into a museum – the museum of Ernest Hemingway. The house remains as Hemingway left it, with more than 8,000 books on display, as well as artwork, hunting trophies, the author’s typewriter, and other personal belongings. Visitors are not allowed inside, but it is possible to peek in through the windows, C                            during rainy weather. One can also wander through the garden to see Hemingway’s fishing boat, Pilar, D                           . The garden is also home to a pet cemetery, the final resting place for some of his beloved cats.

Hemingway fans should also visit the small fishing village of Cojimar, about 20 minutes east of Havana by taxi. During the 1950s, Hemingway visited Cojimar often E                           , The Old Man and the Sea. He also kept his fishing boat, Pilar, there, and could often be seen socialising with locals in the streets of the village.

These days, tourists come to the village to visit the square named in his honour F                           . Perhaps inspired by Hemingway’s legacy, many artists from Havana and other parts of Cuba are drawn there.

1. despite all the troubles in Cuba
2. unless the house is closed up
3. where Hemingway was brought up
4. where the estate of Finca La Vigia is
5. and made it the setting for his novel
6. which he had kept in the local village
7. and see the statue of the famous writer

A — 4: About 16 kilometres east of Havana, Cuba’s capital, lies the small town of San Francisco de Paula, where the estate of Finca La Vigia is located. It was the part-time residence of Ernest Hemingway for 20 years. 
Примерно в 16 километрах к востоку от Гаваны, столицы Кубы, находится небольшой городок Сан-Франциско-де-Паула, где расположено поместье Финка Вихия. Это была временная резиденция Эрнеста Хемингуэя в течение 20 лет.
B — 1: He lived there between 1939 and 1959, despite all the troubles in Cuba during that period. 
Он жил там с 1939 по 1959 год, несмотря на все беды на Кубе в тот период.
C — 2: Visitors are not allowed inside, but it is possible to peek in through the windows, unless the house is closed up during rainy weather.
Посетителей внутрь не пускают, но можно заглянуть в окна, если дом не заперли в дождливую погоду.
D — 6: One can also wander through the garden to see Hemingway’s fishing boat, Pilar, which he had kept in the local village. 
Можно также прогуляться по саду и увидеть рыбацкую лодку Хемингуэя «Пилар», которую он хранил в местной деревне.
E — 5: Hemingway visited Cojimar often and made it the setting for his novel, The Old Man and the Sea.
Хемингуэй часто посещал Кохимар и сделал его местом действия своего романа «Старик и море».
F — 7: These days, tourists come to the village to visit the square named in his honour and see the statue of the famous writer.
В настоящие дни в поселок приезжают туристы, чтобы посетить площадь, названную в его честь, и увидеть статую знаменитого писателя.

Ответ: 412657

Источник: Реальные задания (ЕГЭ, ФИПИ, Вербицкая)