Задание №45190 ЕГЭ по Английскому языку

Тема : Понимание структурно-смысловых связей в тексте
Раздел: Чтение
11 линия
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Spice Island

Grenada offers a perfect taste of the Old Caribbean. Fragrant nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, vanilla, and cocoa flourish in its fertile volcanic soil. That is why the island is often called the “Spice Island.” The island’s rich culture makes it a top choice for tourists A                          .

St. George’s is Grenada’s capital. It is one of the prettiest cities in the Caribbean, with its busy harbour B                          . For those tired of the noise of big cities, the quieter islands of Carriacou and Petite Martinique lie off the island’s northeast coast.

Many visitors spend their time around Grand Anse Beach, C                          , in the Caribbean. Water colours range from clear turquoise in the shallows, to deep cobalt blue, and the calm waters are perfect for swimming. This is also where tourists will find some of Grenada’s best resorts.

Grenada offers more things to see and do D                          . Waterfalls gush in the island’s interior. Hiking trails thread through the lush rainforest. Coral reefs rim the coast, E                          . History experts will also enjoy exploring the country’s forts and museums, F                          .

So, the Caribbean Island of Grenada is an excellent holiday destination: and home to beautiful resorts. The island still grows and exports different spices like nutmeg, cloves, vanilla, cinnamon, and ginger.

1. bustling with hundreds of sailboats
2. which is one of the best beaches
3. than booking one’s trip in advance
4. than just sunbathing on its golden sands
5. which are numerous and all special there
6. where one can swim, dive, snorkel, and fish
7. looking for an authentic Caribbean getaway

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Ответ: 712465

Источник: Реальные задания (ЕГЭ, ФИПИ, Вербицкая)