Задание №33610 ЕГЭ по Английскому языку

Тема : Понимание структурно-смысловых связей в тексте
Раздел: Чтение
11 линия
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These Bees Have Been Mummified

A research team stumbled upon an astonishing and unexpected scene in the coastline of southwest Portugal: bees that had been mummified in
subterranean sarcophagi for nearly 3,000 years. These were not typical European honeybees in a hive, but members of a group called Eucera. The bees spend most of their yearlong lives gestating underground, A                         .

Bees have evolutionary staying power, and their ancestors are known B                         . They have withstood wild climate swings and thrived wherever a flowering plant might have rooted. But finding actual fossilized bee bodies unlike turtle bones preserved in sediment layers is rare.

The cocoons C                          produced by the mother bee. This thread was a waterproof, organic polymer D                         .

As for what killed the bees, the researchers considered flooding or a prolonged drought E                         . But the pollen stored inside the cells told the team F                         .

While this nest is an example of a localized mass death, it could also be a reminder of how bees have persevered in the face of shifting climate conditions. There are still more than 25 species of Eucera-like bees living in different habitats in Portugal.

1. that the bees had plenty of food
2. which are the long-horned bees
3. coming out for only a few weeks when their favourite flowering plant blooms
4. which had contributed to the preservation of the bees inside
5. to have lived on Earth over the course of 120 million years
6. that might have limited food supplies
7. that the team discovered were lined and sealed with a silk-like thread

Ответ: 357461

Источник: NeoFamily