Задание №16272 ЕГЭ по Английскому языку

Тема : Понимание структурно-смысловых связей в тексте
Раздел: Чтение
11 линия
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The ‘Coasting’ Workers Who’ve Checked out of Their Jobs

By Alex Christian

Edward’s usual workday begins at 08:30. He showers, makes breakfast and grabs a coffee – all on company time. During the rest of his morning, the sales employee, A                          , periodically checks his inbox, attends the occasional meeting and watches YouTube.

As lunch approaches, Edward cycles to the shop, selects ingredients and cooks a gourmet meal for one. His break soon bleeds into the afternoon: 15-minute bursts of work are interspersed with prolonged bouts of cyberloafing, B                          . By 16:00, he’s typically done for the day.

That doesn’t mean Edward is failing at his job or ignoring work; he does whatever his manager needs and, C                          , he’s never seen to be late. Rather, he’s decided simply to coast along, on a comfortable salary and in a remote set-up that suits his work-life balance.

Since Covid-19, employees have quiten masse and sought pandemic era perks at different companies. In the shake-up, some have switched into careers D                          . But there’s also a subset of the workforce content to just get by without doing much work. Often working remotely without the watchful eyes of bosses, E                          . Data suggests the pandemic has made such coasting widespread.

In many cases, employees who coast don’t want to join the Great Resignation – they prefer enjoying the comforts of being a modern-day knowledge worker. Some are also deciding to prioritise other aspects of their life over their career, F                          .

Coasting may perhaps be an acceptable short-term move in order for a worker to recharge, step back and plan their next energy burst. But it’s arguably not viable for the long haul – because of the potential professional and wellbeing impacts on the individual.

1. because he always replies to emails and attends scheduled calls
2. there’s a natural tendency to sort of coast a little to almost recover
3. these employees are now putting in 30-hour workweeks on a 40-hour salary
4. that align more with their values or off er better pay
5. who works remotely for a fi rm based in the north-east of England
6. such as family or wellbeing
7. listening to comedy podcasts and reading

Ответ: 571436

Источник: Сборник Меликян А.А. (Легион)