Задание №24450 ЕГЭ по Английскому языку

Тема : Понимание основного содержания текста
Раздел: Чтение
10 линия
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Установите соответствие между текстами A-G и заголовками 1-8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний. 


1. Unexpected presents
2. Showing gratitude
3. Housewarming gifts
4. What to put in a bag
5. An online gift
6. Office rules for giving gifts
7. Gifts to match interests
8. Shopping for presents


Текст А: Gift bags can be customized to match the theme of any event. When planning the gifts, it's important to consider the event's setting and atmosphere. Including items that guests may find useful at the venue is a thoughtful idea. For outdoor events, it's great to include items that can enhance their experience under the sun. Another approach to gift bags is to include the host's favorite things, adding a personal touch to the gifts.

Текст B: It is generally advised for employees to refrain from giving gifts to their boss, but a card can be considered acceptable. Giving valuable items may create the perception of trying to gain favoritism in the workplace. If there is unanimous agreement among the entire staff, group gifts are considered more appropriate than individual ones. In cases where co-workers are not interested in contributing to a collective gift, it is acceptable for an individual to give small gifts to all colleagues, including the boss.

Текст С: In Russian folklore, it is customary to greet new homeowners with bread and salt, symbolizing the wish for a well-stocked kitchen. A thoughtful gesture to welcome new neighbors on moving day is a breakfast basket filled with eggs, coffee, tea, cream, jam, and orange juice. Another traditional gift for new apartment owners is a practical picture-hanging kit that includes a hammer, wire, nails, and hooks.

Текст D: Gift cards have become increasingly popular in today's digital age. Depending on the platform, a gift card can be in the form of a physical card sent by mail or an electronic card that can be printed out. Electronic gift cards offer various designs and are typically delivered via email. They can be used for online shopping or printed out and redeemed in-store. Additionally, some platforms allow users to upload a personal photo to create a customized gift card along with a personalized greeting card.

Текст E: Hobby-related gifts are often cherished as excellent retirement gift ideas. Many retirees develop a keen interest in hobbies like golf, gardening, fishing, or painting. Consider gifting materials or equipment that align with their hobby, such as books, paints, or fishing gear. Another thoughtful option is to purchase a series of classes, a golf course membership, or a park permit. For a more personal touch, the gift-giver can arrange shared time to enjoy the hobby together, creating lasting memories.

Текст F: Surprising someone with a gift is always a delightful idea. Instead of handing the gift directly, it can be even more exciting to have someone else deliver it. Consider options like involving a small child, a beloved pet, or a friendly neighbor to add an element of surprise. Another creative approach is to wrap the gift in an unconventional manner. A poorly wrapped package can add a fun twist to reveal a beautiful gift inside. Thoughtful planning is essential to ensure the surprise is executed successfully and brings joy to the recipient.

Текст G: Taking the time to write a handwritten thank you note for a gift is a thoughtful gesture that is highly appreciated. Even if using a pre-printed card, adding a personal touch with handwritten words makes the note more heartfelt. A well-crafted thank you note expresses gratitude for the gift received. It's also nice to include a brief message highlighting what makes the gift special or cherished, conveying to the giver why their choice was so meaningful. Timeliness is important, so sending the note as soon as possible is recommended.


A — 4: Gift bags can be customized to match the theme of any event. ... Another approach to gift bags is to include the host's favorite things, adding a personal touch to the gifts.

B — 6: It is generally advised for employees to refrain from giving gifts to their boss, but a card can be considered acceptable. 

C — 3: In Russian folklore, it is customary to greet new homeowners with bread and salt, symbolizing the wish for a well-stocked kitchen.

D — 5: Electronic gift cards offer various designs and are typically delivered via email. They can be used for online shopping or printed out and redeemed in-store.

E — 7: Consider gifting materials or equipment that align with their hobby, such as books, paints, or fishing gear. ... For a more personal touch, the gift-giver can arrange shared time to enjoy the hobby together, creating lasting memories.

F — 1: Surprising someone with a gift is always a delightful idea. ... A poorly wrapped package can add a fun twist to reveal a beautiful gift inside.

G — 2: A well-crafted thank you note expresses gratitude for the gift received.

Ответ: 4635712

Источник: NeoFamily