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  3. Задание 33743

Задание №33743 ЕГЭ по Английскому языку

Тема : Понимание основного содержания текста
Раздел: Чтение
10 линия№33743Не выполнено

Установите соответствие между текстами A-G и заголовками 1-8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний. 


1. The unique area
2. Not enough sleep
3. How old are you in Korean?
4. Special reason to travel
5. A strange present
6. Urban beauty
7. South Korea in a nutshell
8. Capital’s size


Текст A: South Korea consists of over 4,000 islands, each with its own unique story and history. Not long ago, South Korea was a small, developing nation closed off to much of the world. However, these days that is rapidly changing and is considered one of the most popular tourist destinations due to its rich history and fantastic food scene (among other things).

Текст B: The Demilitarized Zone is a long stretch of land that separates North Korea from South Korea on the Korean peninsula. While most natural wildlife and rare plants have been killed off in the South, the DMZ hasn’t been touched in over 60 years. That means that some species of plants and wild animals have been able to flourish unharmed by the hand of man.

Текст C: All Koreans are automatically one year old at birth. A newborn baby is considered one-year-old in South Korea. There are different schools of thought as to why this is. One explanation is that people think it’s because the baby is in the mother’s womb for nine months, which is about one year. Therefore, in South Korea, the baby is one year old when born.

Текст D: South Korea is a popular destination for medical tourism, specifically cosmetic surgery. It’s one of the world’s highest plastic surgeries done per capita. People come from all across the globe to enhance their looks during a short trip to South Korea. It’s common knowledge that a portion of South Korea’s population is obsessed with some form of cosmetic surgery.

Текст E: While being sleep-deprived is a reality worldwide in some industries, it’s usually restricted to a select few industries and isn’t a huge part of a given culture. South Korea is different in that regard – if you ask people how much they sleep on any given night, you’ll more likely than not hear “six hours a night.” However, because it’s such a normal occurrence, you won’t hear people complain about how tired they are unless you specifically bring up sleep.

Текст F: You’re probably aware that Seoul is a huge city – after all, it is the largest city in South Korea by a landslide. It’s the capital city, with 25 million people living within the city limits. It’s not just a large city – it’s the third-largest city in the world! Although navigating a densely populated city can be a little daunting if you haven’t done it before, the city is very approachable and intuitive once you’ve been there for a couple of days.

Текст G: If you’re planning on having a house-warming party in South Korea, don’t bother buying toilet paper or laundry detergent. You’ll get plenty of it as gifts! Fun facts about South Korea is that people often give toilet paper and laundry detergent as house-warming gifts. While you may need to clear out some space in your house to stockpile all the extra household supplies, the great thing about this tradition is that it makes picking out house-warming presents a piece of cake. The hardest decision you’ll have to make is whether to buy the Kleenex brand or the local one.