  1. Банк заданий
  2. Английский язык
  3. Задание 24453

Задание №24453 ЕГЭ по Английскому языку

Тема : Понимание основного содержания текста
Раздел: Чтение
10 линия№24453Не выполнено

Установите соответствие между текстами A-G и заголовками 1-8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний. 


1. Food: eating habits
2. Entertainment with vegetables
3. Food varieties
4. Entertainment with animals
5. Population
6. Time to relax
7. Preserving nature
8. Spain as a state


Текст А: La Tomatina, a distinctive food fight festival, takes place annually in Spain on the last Wednesday of August. It entails a fierce battle where thousands of participants hurl overripe tomatoes at one another. The festival extends over a week, featuring various activities like parades, music, dancing, and fireworks, all of which revolve around the iconic tomato fight.

Текст B: Spanish cuisine is a delectable fusion of poultry, assorted vegetables, fish, and meats. Among the most renowned Spanish dishes are the diverse variations of Paella, a rice-based delicacy that showcases an array of ingredients. Hot chocolate and churros hold a special place as beloved desserts across the nation. Additionally, Spain is celebrated for its aromatic coffee, distinguished by the superior quality of the beans and the distinctive roasting and blending techniques employed.

Текст С: Spain boasts a wealth of traditions, particularly in relation to culinary practices. In the morning, many households indulge in the tradition of purchasing freshly made churros, which are savored alongside a steaming cup of hot chocolate, setting the stage for a relaxed morning routine. Lunch holds great significance as well, typically featuring heartier fare compared to breakfast. Following the midday meal, a siesta, or afternoon nap, is observed to combat the drowsiness that often accompanies this time of day. During this period, businesses temporarily close and reopen after a two- or three-hour period of rest.

Текст D: Spain serves as a crucial haven for migratory birds and a habitat for various animal species. However, the unfortunate reality is that numerous wildlife populations encounter challenges stemming from habitat degradation and pollution. Extensive deforestation over the centuries has resulted in the presence of substantial forests in only a limited number of regions within the country. To address this issue, Spain has established several national parks and refuges, although they encompass merely 7% of the nation's territory.

Текст E: Despite having a national parliament, Spain stands out as one of the highly decentralized democracies in Europe. Each of its 17 regions assumes responsibility for managing its own schools, hospitals, and other public services. While Spain's economy heavily relies on the thriving tourist services industry, the country has also made significant efforts to diversify its economic landscape since becoming a part of the European Community in 1986. This diversification has involved the development of crucial industries such as mining, shipbuilding, and textiles.

Текст F: Originating from the ancient Roman gladiator games, bullfighting has emerged as one of Spain's most renowned traditions. In this daring sport, matadors bravely face charging bulls in the arena. However, in recent times, bullfighting has become a subject of extensive debate, drawing opposition from younger generations and animal-rights activists. Despite the controversy surrounding it, bullfighting continues to hold its iconic status in Spain, with bullfights being staged in numerous towns and cities across the country.

Текст G: The siesta holds a prominent place in Spanish culture, known for its emphasis on achieving a work-life balance. This long-standing tradition involves individuals, including students and professionals, returning home around midday to enjoy a hearty lunch and engage in a few hours of relaxation and quality time with their families. While larger cities in the 21st century operate at a faster pace and have moved away from siestas, many people in small towns and villages continue to observe this daily break. Even today, businesses in some areas temporarily close during this period.