Задание №33609 ЕГЭ по Английскому языку

Тема : Понимание основного содержания текста
Раздел: Чтение
10 линия
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Установите соответствие между текстами A-G и заголовками 1-8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний. 


1. A ghost-like town
2. It comes with a rich history
3. Beautiful sunsets and nights
4. Secluded route
5. Breathtaking views from the road
6. A hidden piece of land
7. Astronomers’ favourite
8. Rough camping


Текст A: The 194km stretch of the highway that runs through the Hunza Valley, a region surrounded by the Karakoram Mountains (are located along the borders of Pakistan, China, and India) is an incredibly beautiful section where you can see glaciers, alpine lakes and snow-capped peaks right from the comfort of your ride. Not only these, but also the incredible people and traditions of the Hunza Valley make this part of the highway so special.

Текст B: The Tanami, as locals call it, is one of Australia's greatest adventure tracks. The 1,077 km road is one of the most isolated and the driest regions in the world. Although the route is mostly traversed by ranchers and lorries, plus wild camels, the Tanami also attracts travelers who come for the camping and for driving across one of Australia's longest and most challenging roads.

Текст C: Laverton town located on the edge of Australia's two largest deserts – the Victoria and the Great Sandy. Whenever a road train passes through town, Laverton comes to life. Otherwise, it is eerily, gloriously quiet. The roads disappear beneath the red sand long before they reach the town's outskirts. When the wind blows, the sand turns to dust and covers the town. After the dust settles, when darkness falls, the stars come out, more stars than seem possible.

Текст D: For hundreds of years, the Wakhan Corridor was an important route for merchants travelling along the Silk Road, the trade route that emerged in the 1st and 2nd BC linking China with the Mediterranean. Those merchants carried Chinese silk, Persian silver, and Roman gold. There can be found rock art detailing the road's history, such as camels walking in single file as a trade caravan. Marco Polo is said to have passed through here on his way to China in the 13th Century, also Alexander the Great.

Текст E: Turtuk is quite difficult to reach. The little village is located at the far end of Ladakh's Nubra Valley in far northern India, surrounded by the Shyok River and the Karakoram mountains. There is only one road in and out: a rough trail that goes over high peaks to the capital of Ladakh.

Текст F: Foula is said to be the most remote inhabited British island, reached by a ferry or 17-minute flight from the Shetland Mainland. There is a limited amount of tourism, with just two guest houses and a few camping sites providing accommodation. The majority of visitors are birders, drawn here by the tens of thousands of birds that make this blustery island home over summer. Otherwise, Foula offers few distractions for those not interested in the outdoors: there is no wi-fi, no pubs or bars, not even a shop to buy basic supplies. Visitors must bring everything with them.

Текст G: A winding road leads up Portugal's tallest mountain, and visitors can drive all the way to the top. Although the peak's official name is Torre (tower), most people call it: Serra da Estrela, or “mountain of the stars”. By day, the drive offers wonderful views across the landscape of this narrow country – from the red hills of Spain in the east to the blue Atlantic Ocean in the west. However, the real spectacle comes as the sun starts to drop. Not only is this mountain a popular spot to watch golden sunsets, but for those who stay later, it offers a glimmering nighttime fresco.


A – 5: The 194 km stretch of the highway that runs through the Hunza Valley … is an incredibly beautiful section where you can see glaciers, alpine lakes and snow-capped peaks right from the comfort of your ride.

B – 4: The 1,077 km road is one of the most isolated and the driest regions in the world.

C – 1: The roads disappear beneath the red sand long before they reach the town's outskirts. When the wind blows, the sand turns to dust and covers the town. 

D – 2: For hundreds of years, the Wakhan Corridor was an important route for merchants travelling along the Silk Road… Marco Polo is said to have passed through here on his way to China in the 13th Century, also Alexander the Great.

E – 6: The little village is located at the far end of Ladakh's Nubra Valley in far northern India, surrounded by the Shyok River and the Karakoram mountains.

F – 8: Otherwise, Foula offers few distractions for those not interested in the outdoors: there is no wi-fi, no pubs or bars, not even a shop to buy basic supplies. Visitors must bring everything with them.

G – 3: However, the real spectacle comes as the sun starts to drop. Not only is this mountain a popular spot to watch golden sunsets, but for those who stay later, it offers a glimmering nighttime fresco.

Ответ: 5412683

Источник: NeoFamily