Задание №24275 ЕГЭ по Английскому языку

Тема : Понимание основного содержания текста
Раздел: Чтение
10 линия
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Установите соответствие между текстами A-G и заголовками 1-8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний. 


1. Farming in a city
2. A fortune for a flower
3. Useful garden space
4. Development of farming
5. A dangerous garden
6. A popular indoor plant
7. National strategy
8. The globe's favourite flower


Текст А: Nestled within Alnwick Garden in northern England, there exists an intriguing and heavily protected section that discourages visitors from leisurely strolling amidst the tulips. Enclosed by a sturdy iron fence, the Poison Garden proudly presents a collection of over 100 of the planet's most lethal plants. Tourists are not only urged to refrain from touching these plants, but also cautioned against inhaling their fragrances, as the potent fumes have been known to cause fainting spells among a few unfortunate visitors.

Текст B: Rain gardens are aesthetically pleasing landscaped areas strategically positioned within lawns to harness the abundance of rainfall. These gardens serve as natural buffers that decelerate the flow of rainwater, enabling the soil to absorb the nutrients it carries while preventing erosion. Beyond their practical advantages, rain gardens offer a multitude of benefits, attracting a vibrant array of birds, butterflies, and bees, and enhancing the overall beauty of the surroundings.

Текст С: In an effort to avert food shortages during World War II, the U.S. government promoted the establishment of "victory gardens," encouraging citizens to cultivate their own fruits and vegetables. With a significant portion of the nation's food supply redirected to support the military, these gardens became crucial in sustaining the population. It is estimated that during the early 1940s, around 20 million victory gardens flourished across the United States, providing an impressive 30 to 40% of the country's vegetable production.

Текст D: Urban agriculture encompasses a range of agricultural activities carried out in densely populated areas like towns or large suburbs. While urban agriculture may not reach the same scale as rural agriculture, it encompasses a diverse array of practices. For instance, individuals living in towns who maintain a chicken coop in their front lawn actively participate in urban agriculture.

Текст E: According to the National Gardening Association, the rose is the most beloved flower both in the United States and worldwide. It is cultivated across the globe and holds the distinction of being the most commonly gifted flower. Flower enthusiasts believe that the rose's immense popularity can be attributed to its extensive range of colors, sizes, and fragrances. Furthermore, the rose serves as a symbolic representation of love, beauty, war, peace, and politics. With approximately 150 rose species in existence, it remains a cherished flower worldwide.

Текст F: Upon the arrival of tulips to Holland from Turkey in the late 16th century, the Dutch populace developed a fervent passion for these flowers, resulting in a staggering increase in prices. However, this tulip mania eventually led to a dramatic crash in the market. The subsequent economic depression had a profound and enduring effect on the Dutch economy throughout the 17th century. The prices of tulips reached such extraordinary heights that a solitary bulb could fetch a sum exceeding the annual earnings of an individual from the working class.

Текст G: Food is an essential need for people, and agriculture plays a crucial role in meeting this demand by providing the majority of our food supply. Over time, advancements in agriculture have led to increased efficiency, allowing a small group of individuals to produce food for a significantly larger population. Through practices such as hybridization and selective breeding, modern agriculture has achieved significantly higher yields than in the past. As a result, a smaller percentage of the global population is now involved in the agricultural sector.


A — 5: Enclosed by a sturdy iron fence, the Poison Garden proudly presents a collection of over 100 of the planet's most lethal plants.

B — 3: These gardens serve as natural buffers that decelerate the flow of rainwater, enabling the soil to absorb the nutrients it carries while preventing erosion.

C — 7: It is estimated that during the early 1940s, around 20 million victory gardens flourished across the United States, providing an impressive 30 to 40% of the country's vegetable production.

D — 1: For instance, individuals living in towns who maintain a chicken coop in their front lawn actively participate in urban agriculture.

E — 8: According to the National Gardening Association, the rose is the most beloved flower both in the United States and worldwide.

F — 2: The prices of tulips reached such extraordinary heights that a solitary bulb could fetch a sum exceeding the annual earnings of an individual from the working class.

G — 4: Over time, advancements in agriculture have led to increased efficiency, allowing a small group of individuals to produce food for a significantly larger population. Through practices such as hybridization and selective breeding, modern agriculture has achieved significantly higher yields than in the past.

Ответ: 5371824

Источник: NeoFamily