
Задание №23727 ЕГЭ по Английскому языку

Тема : Грамматические навыки
Раздел: Языковой материал (лексика и грамматика)
24 линия
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The Tale of the Rabbit and the Tortoise

In a distant land, there resided a clever rabbit and a wise tortoise. Curiosity sparked a challenge as the swift rabbit proposed a race to the steady tortoise. Accepting the challenge, they embarked on their contest. As expected, the rabbit ran                          (FAST), its speed surpassing that of the tortoise. Within a matter of minutes, the rabbit found itself on the verge of victory, nearing the finish line. Unaware of the tortoise's progress, the rabbit decided to take a brief respite, intending to swiftly cross the line once the tortoise caught up. Seeking solace beneath the shelter of a tree, the rabbit soon succumbed to slumber. Upon awakening, a startling sight met its gaze – the tortoise                          (CROSS) the finish line. The tortoise                          (WIN) the match, demonstrating the timeless lesson that perseverance and consistency hold greater significance than fleetness of foot.

Решение: Речь о событии в прошлом => Past Simple (повествование в рассказе ведётся в этом времени)

Win – won – won 

Ответ: won

Источник: NeoFamily