Задание №45408 ЕГЭ по Английскому языку
Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово «IT» так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Roman Bratain
Do you know that Britain was part of the Roman Empire for over three and a half centuries? From the invasion in AD 43 until rule from Rome ended in the 5th century, the province of Britannia was part of a political union that covered (MUCH) of Europe. This period (MARK) by several key events, both military and civilian. By the early 5th century, the Roman Empire could no longer defend (IT) against either internal rebellion or the external threat posed by Germanic tribes expanding in Western Europe. The last of the Roman troops left Britain.
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Ответ: itself
Источник: Реальные задания (ЕГЭ, ФИПИ, Вербицкая)