Задание №23780 ЕГЭ по Английскому языку

Тема : Грамматические навыки
Раздел: Языковой материал (лексика и грамматика)
19 линия
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Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово «HIGH» так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Unusual Arctic Climate: Santa Claus' Melting Pool

Contrary to the traditional imagery of the North Pole with its impressive ice sheets, recent footage reveals a different reality. Meteorologists have noted that in early July, temperatures in the Arctic Ocean were one to three degrees Celsius                          (HIGH) than the annual average for the region.

As a result of rapid ice melting, an astonishing development has occurred – Santa Claus now                          (HAVE) his own swimming pool. Reports from the media indicate that the North Pole                          (TRANSFORM) into a lake. This remarkable body of water, approximately one foot deep, consists entirely of melted ice, signifying a dramatic shift in the Arctic climate.

Remarkably, this annual phenomenon of a water pool forming at the North Pole                          (OBSERVE) since 2002. The mythical abode of Santa Claus has officially succumbed to flooding!

Решение: Есть than => нужна сравнительная степень

High – higher – the highest

Ответ: higher

Источник: NeoFamily