Задание №23240 ЕГЭ по Английскому языку

Тема : Полное понимание информации в тексте
Раздел: Чтение
14 линия
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According to the text, the work of brain neurons influences ...

1) electricity production.
2) our dreams.
3) everything we do.
4) character of messages we send.

The Marvelous Power of Your Brain

Within your skull resides a three-pound mass of convoluted substance that governs every single action you will ever undertake. From the intricate processes of thinking, learning, creating, and experiencing emotions, to the fundamental control over each blink, breath, and heartbeat - this extraordinary command center is your brain. It is a structure of such awe-inspiring complexity that famous scientist James Watson remarked in the foreword to Discovering the Brain, "The brain is the most intricate entity we have thus far encountered in our universe. It consists of billions upon billions of interconnected cells, bewildering the mind." Clearly, comprehending the functionality of the brain requires us to confront its intricacies.

Visualize a scenario where your kitten is about to step onto a hot stove while perched on the kitchen counter. You have mere seconds to react. Harnessing the signals received from your eyes, your brain rapidly calculates the precise timing, position, and velocity required to intercept her. It then commands your muscles to execute the necessary action. Your timing is flawless, and she remains unharmed. No computer system can even come close to matching the astonishing ability of your brain to receive, process, and respond to the deluge of information flooding in from your eyes, ears, and other sensory organs.

Your brain houses approximately 100 billion minuscule cells known as neurons - so numerous that counting them all would take over 3,000 years. Whenever you dream, laugh, think, see, or move, it is due to the swift transmission of minute chemical and electrical signals racing among these neurons along billions of microscopic neural pathways. Remarkably, the activity within your brain never ceases. Countless messages zip around inside it every second, akin to a hyperactive pinball machine. Your neurons generate and relay more messages than all the phones in existence. Although a single neuron produces only a minute amount of electricity, the collective power of all your neurons is sufficient to energize a low-wattage light bulb.

Neurons transmit information to your brain at speeds surpassing 150 miles (241 kilometers) per hour. For instance, when a bee lands on your bare foot, sensory neurons in your skin promptly convey this information to your spinal cord and brain, traveling at a velocity exceeding 150 miles (241 kilometers) per hour. Your brain then employs motor neurons to relay the response back through your spinal cord, prompting your foot to swiftly shake off the bee. Motor neurons can transmit this information at speeds exceeding 200 miles (322 kilometers) per hour.

Initially, riding a bike may appear daunting, but with practice, you master it. How does this happen? As you persistently train, your brain dispatches repetitive "bike riding" messages along specific neural pathways, forging new connections. In fact, the very structure of your brain undergoes changes each time you learn something new, as well as with every novel thought or memory.

It is widely recognized that engaging in exercises that elevate your heart rate, such as running or playing basketball, benefits your physical well-being and can even enhance your mood. However, recent extensive research conducted by a consortium of institutions from the National Institutes of Health has revealed that following exercise, your body produces a chemical that heightens your brain's receptiveness to acquiring new knowledge. So, if you find yourself stuck on a homework problem, step outside and partake in a game of soccer before revisiting the task. You might just discover an enhanced ability to solve it.

Ответ: 3

Источник: NeoFamily