Задание №47477 ЕГЭ по Английскому языку

Тема : Электронное письмо личного характера
Раздел: Письменная речь
37 линия
Не выполнено
Сообщить об ошибке

You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Jo:

From: Jo@mail.uk
To: Russian_friend@ege.ru
Subject: Environment
…Last weekend we went to the Nature and Environment Day together with my friend. It was fun! In your opinion, what means of transport is the most eco-friendly? What would you choose to do: to plant trees or to build birdhouses, why? What environmental activities does your school take part in?..
Guess what! I’m planning to sign up for cooking courses next week…

Write an email to Jo.
In your message:

  • answer his questions;
  • ask 3 questions about the cooking courses.

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of email writing.

Источник: NeoFamily