Просмотр связанных заданий №39245, №39246, №39247

  • 22 линия
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    Pendle Witches

    Six of the eleven “witches” on trial came from two rival families, the Demdike family and the Chattox family. It was an accepted part of village life in the                      (SIXTEEN) century that there were village healers who practised magic and dealt in herbs and medicines. The extent of the spate of witchcraft reported in Pendle at this time perhaps reflected the large amounts of money people                      (CAN) make by posing as witches. The deaths of four villagers that                      (OCCUR) years before the trial were raised, and the blame laid on witchcraft performed by Chattox. James Demdike confessed that Alizon had also cursed a local child.

  • 23 линия
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    Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово «CAN» так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

    Pendle Witches

    Six of the eleven “witches” on trial came from two rival families, the Demdike family and the Chattox family. It was an accepted part of village life in the                      (SIXTEEN) century that there were village healers who practised magic and dealt in herbs and medicines. The extent of the spate of witchcraft reported in Pendle at this time perhaps reflected the large amounts of money people                      (CAN) make by posing as witches. The deaths of four villagers that                      (OCCUR) years before the trial were raised, and the blame laid on witchcraft performed by Chattox. James Demdike confessed that Alizon had also cursed a local child.

  • 24 линия
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    Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово «OCCUR» так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

    Pendle Witches

    Six of the eleven “witches” on trial came from two rival families, the Demdike family and the Chattox family. It was an accepted part of village life in the                      (SIXTEEN) century that there were village healers who practised magic and dealt in herbs and medicines. The extent of the spate of witchcraft reported in Pendle at this time perhaps reflected the large amounts of money people                      (CAN) make by posing as witches. The deaths of four villagers that                      (OCCUR) years before the trial were raised, and the blame laid on witchcraft performed by Chattox. James Demdike confessed that Alizon had also cursed a local child.