Просмотр связанных заданий №23780, №23781, №23782, №23783, №23784, №23785

  • 19 линия
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    Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово «HIGH» так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

    Unusual Arctic Climate: Santa Claus' Melting Pool

    Contrary to the traditional imagery of the North Pole with its impressive ice sheets, recent footage reveals a different reality. Meteorologists have noted that in early July, temperatures in the Arctic Ocean were one to three degrees Celsius                          (HIGH) than the annual average for the region.

    As a result of rapid ice melting, an astonishing development has occurred – Santa Claus now                          (HAVE) his own swimming pool. Reports from the media indicate that the North Pole                          (TRANSFORM) into a lake. This remarkable body of water, approximately one foot deep, consists entirely of melted ice, signifying a dramatic shift in the Arctic climate.

    Remarkably, this annual phenomenon of a water pool forming at the North Pole                          (OBSERVE) since 2002. The mythical abode of Santa Claus has officially succumbed to flooding!

  • 20 линия
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    Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово «HAVE» так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

    Unusual Arctic Climate: Santa Claus' Melting Pool

    Contrary to the traditional imagery of the North Pole with its impressive ice sheets, recent footage reveals a different reality. Meteorologists have noted that in early July, temperatures in the Arctic Ocean were one to three degrees Celsius                          (HIGH) than the annual average for the region.

    As a result of rapid ice melting, an astonishing development has occurred – Santa Claus now                          (HAVE) his own swimming pool. Reports from the media indicate that the North Pole                          (TRANSFORM) into a lake. This remarkable body of water, approximately one foot deep, consists entirely of melted ice, signifying a dramatic shift in the Arctic climate.

    Remarkably, this annual phenomenon of a water pool forming at the North Pole                          (OBSERVE) since 2002. The mythical abode of Santa Claus has officially succumbed to flooding!

  • 21 линия
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    Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово «TRANSFORM» так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

    Unusual Arctic Climate: Santa Claus' Melting Pool

    Contrary to the traditional imagery of the North Pole with its impressive ice sheets, recent footage reveals a different reality. Meteorologists have noted that in early July, temperatures in the Arctic Ocean were one to three degrees Celsius                          (HIGH) than the annual average for the region.

    As a result of rapid ice melting, an astonishing development has occurred – Santa Claus now                          (HAVE) his own swimming pool. Reports from the media indicate that the North Pole                          (TRANSFORM) into a lake. This remarkable body of water, approximately one foot deep, consists entirely of melted ice, signifying a dramatic shift in the Arctic climate.

    Remarkably, this annual phenomenon of a water pool forming at the North Pole                          (OBSERVE) since 2002. The mythical abode of Santa Claus has officially succumbed to flooding!

  • 22 линия
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    Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово «OBSERVE» так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

    Unusual Arctic Climate: Santa Claus' Melting Pool

    Contrary to the traditional imagery of the North Pole with its impressive ice sheets, recent footage reveals a different reality. Meteorologists have noted that in early July, temperatures in the Arctic Ocean were one to three degrees Celsius                          (HIGH) than the annual average for the region.

    As a result of rapid ice melting, an astonishing development has occurred – Santa Claus now                          (HAVE) his own swimming pool. Reports from the media indicate that the North Pole                          (TRANSFORM) into a lake. This remarkable body of water, approximately one foot deep, consists entirely of melted ice, signifying a dramatic shift in the Arctic climate.

    Remarkably, this annual phenomenon of a water pool forming at the North Pole                          (OBSERVE) since 2002. The mythical abode of Santa Claus has officially succumbed to flooding!

  • 23 линия
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    Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово «POSE» так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

    China's Sorrow: The Devastating Yellow River Floods

    The Huang He, known as the Yellow River, holds a poignant title bestowed upon it by the Chinese people themselves: "China's Sorrow." Throughout history, the recurring issue of flooding                          (POSE) a significant challenge. Among the annals of tragic floods, the most devastating event occurred in 1931. The calamity unfolded as the waters began to surge in July, and by November of that same year, over 40,000 square miles had succumbed to the deluge. The catastrophic aftermath                          (LEAVE) an unfathomable toll, with 80 million individuals displaced from their homes, enduring the heart-wrenching consequences of this historic flood.

  • 24 линия
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    Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово «LEAVE» так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

    China's Sorrow: The Devastating Yellow River Floods

    The Huang He, known as the Yellow River, holds a poignant title bestowed upon it by the Chinese people themselves: "China's Sorrow." Throughout history, the recurring issue of flooding                          (POSE) a significant challenge. Among the annals of tragic floods, the most devastating event occurred in 1931. The calamity unfolded as the waters began to surge in July, and by November of that same year, over 40,000 square miles had succumbed to the deluge. The catastrophic aftermath                          (LEAVE) an unfathomable toll, with 80 million individuals displaced from their homes, enduring the heart-wrenching consequences of this historic flood.