
Просмотр связанных заданий №23211, №23212, №23213, №23214, №23215, №23216, №23217

  • 12 линия
    Не выполнено

    In what way did the children in the kindergarten answer the question about their dream occupation?

    1) They described their parents' actual occupation.
    2) They took pictures of parents at the Back to School Night.
    3) They drew people of their dream careers in action.
    4) They made up a list of the most common and wide-spread professions.

  • 13 линия
    Не выполнено

    Why did the author want to work in the local grocery store?

    1) It seemed to be an enjoyable occupation.
    2) It was quite a realistic career goal.
    3) Her parents spoke a lot about it.
    4) She liked to make orange juice.

  • 14 линия
    Не выполнено

    According to the author, when you grow up the questions about career choice become …

    1) less convincing.
    2) less common.
    3) more frequent.
    4) more stressful.

  • 15 линия
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    “That" in "Yet, I don’t consider that a bad thing" (paragraph 4) refers to...

    1) knowing in your teens exactly what you want to be.
    2) working at the counter of the Market Basket grocery store.
    3) being unsure of your future career when in high school.
    4) having a definite idea of how to achieve one's career goal.

  • 16 линия
    Не выполнено

    What would the author most probably like to do in the future?

    1) Write poems about difficulties of youth.
    2) Work as an independent farmer.
    3) Work for a local supermarket chain.
    4) Do a job that brings her satisfaction.

  • 17 линия
    Не выполнено

    Examples with Nelson Mandela and Robinson Cruse are mentioned by the author to

    1) illustrate wise and successful career choices.
    2) prove how important it is not to lose hope.
    3) inspire teenagers to believe in their own effort.
    4) show what to do in extreme circumstances.

  • 18 линия
    Не выполнено

    What conclusion does the author make?

    1) Make a wise choice when thinking of your future profession.
    2) Look for an activity that makes you happy.
    3) Do not forget about the happiness of other people.
    4) Be careful not to make a mistake when trying new things.