Просмотр связанных заданий №23100, №23101, №23102, №23103, №23104, №23106, №23107

  • 12 линия
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    According to the author, a great ESL teacher ...

    1) pays attention to grammar and pronunciation.
    2) coordinates his methods with students' parents.
    3) corrects and explains students' mistakes in class.
    4) encourages students to learn through failure.

    A great ESL teacher

    Being a student of ESL - English as a second language - can be an arduous ordeal. Many of us who have experienced being ESL students understand the embarrassment of being taken out of class in front of everyone to learn how to master verbs and reshape our tongues to speak differently from what our parents taught us. What we truly need is an exceptional educator who allows us to make mistakes.

    "Any student, especially one who is learning English as their new language, requires great courage to say, 'I don't know, but I want to learn,'" explains Whaley.

    Whaley, impeccably dressed with a distinct Long Island accent that elongates vowels, doesn't appear to be someone who dabbles with markers. Before becoming a second-grade teacher, he worked at a public relations firm in New York City. He started contemplating a career change during his daily commutes on the Long Island Rail Road. "I would converse with people on the train at 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. on my way home," he reminisces. "They were individuals who had completely disconnected from the younger generation. They were solely focused on adults and the rat race. And I realized that this was not the path for me." That was 16 years ago, and he has been teaching ever since. In addition, Whaley has managed to find time to write a novel titled "Leaving Montana" and is starting to work on children's books. Last year, he received the prestigious New York State Teacher of the Year award.

    This second-grade presidential campaign exemplifies why Whaley is such an exceptional educator. He tells me that he got the idea when he asked the children one day to raise their hands if they believed they could never become the President of the United States. Their response broke his heart. "Almost every single English-language learner in the classroom believed they couldn't," recalls Whaley. The presidential speech project aims to teach the students more than just reading and speaking in public. Whaley wants these kids to learn how to celebrate their own accomplishments. "It's challenging for a child who initially lacked any confidence to stand up and read three or four words," says Whaley.

    Juggling the needs of native English speakers with those of ESL students is no easy task. It requires numerous late afternoons and early mornings. On a Tuesday morning, I drive through Long Island before the traffic builds up. The school is quiet, except for Whaley's class. Many parents have dropped their kids off early, and Whaley is already there with them.

    "A towering statue, known as the Statue of Liberty, stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor," he reads, his voice resonating through the empty hallway. Today, his students are learning about a history they are now a part of. "And last but not least, 'immigrants,'" says Whaley. "Now, this is an immensely important word as we have been exploring our ancestors."

    Whaley himself is the grandchild of Italian immigrants who settled in Long Island. He often wishes they had taught him to speak Italian, so he could be bilingual like many of his students.

    "Did all of our ancestors always reside in the United States of America?" he asks.

    A resounding "No" echoes through the room.

    "My mom and dad were born in Ecuador," a girl chimes in.

    "There you go," says Whaley. "So many of your ancestors are from Ecuador. They all share this common label: immigrant. Immigrants. Someone who comes from a different country to a new country..."

    "To have a better life," the little girl interrupts.

    "To have a better life," Whaley smiles. "You are absolutely right."

  • 13 линия
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    What is NOT characteristic of Whaley?

    1) He started his career in business.
    2) His clothes fit perfectly.
    3) His speech is standard.
    4) He teaches elementary students.

    A great ESL teacher

    Being a student of ESL - English as a second language - can be an arduous ordeal. Many of us who have experienced being ESL students understand the embarrassment of being taken out of class in front of everyone to learn how to master verbs and reshape our tongues to speak differently from what our parents taught us. What we truly need is an exceptional educator who allows us to make mistakes.

    "Any student, especially one who is learning English as their new language, requires great courage to say, 'I don't know, but I want to learn,'" explains Whaley.

    Whaley, impeccably dressed with a distinct Long Island accent that elongates vowels, doesn't appear to be someone who dabbles with markers. Before becoming a second-grade teacher, he worked at a public relations firm in New York City. He started contemplating a career change during his daily commutes on the Long Island Rail Road. "I would converse with people on the train at 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. on my way home," he reminisces. "They were individuals who had completely disconnected from the younger generation. They were solely focused on adults and the rat race. And I realized that this was not the path for me." That was 16 years ago, and he has been teaching ever since. In addition, Whaley has managed to find time to write a novel titled "Leaving Montana" and is starting to work on children's books. Last year, he received the prestigious New York State Teacher of the Year award.

    This second-grade presidential campaign exemplifies why Whaley is such an exceptional educator. He tells me that he got the idea when he asked the children one day to raise their hands if they believed they could never become the President of the United States. Their response broke his heart. "Almost every single English-language learner in the classroom believed they couldn't," recalls Whaley. The presidential speech project aims to teach the students more than just reading and speaking in public. Whaley wants these kids to learn how to celebrate their own accomplishments. "It's challenging for a child who initially lacked any confidence to stand up and read three or four words," says Whaley.

    Juggling the needs of native English speakers with those of ESL students is no easy task. It requires numerous late afternoons and early mornings. On a Tuesday morning, I drive through Long Island before the traffic builds up. The school is quiet, except for Whaley's class. Many parents have dropped their kids off early, and Whaley is already there with them.

    "A towering statue, known as the Statue of Liberty, stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor," he reads, his voice resonating through the empty hallway. Today, his students are learning about a history they are now a part of. "And last but not least, 'immigrants,'" says Whaley. "Now, this is an immensely important word as we have been exploring our ancestors."

    Whaley himself is the grandchild of Italian immigrants who settled in Long Island. He often wishes they had taught him to speak Italian, so he could be bilingual like many of his students.

    "Did all of our ancestors always reside in the United States of America?" he asks.

    A resounding "No" echoes through the room.

    "My mom and dad were born in Ecuador," a girl chimes in.

    "There you go," says Whaley. "So many of your ancestors are from Ecuador. They all share this common label: immigrant. Immigrants. Someone who comes from a different country to a new country..."

    "To have a better life," the little girl interrupts.

    "To have a better life," Whaley smiles. "You are absolutely right."

  • 14 линия
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    Whaley started teaching because he ...

    1) applied for a prestigious award.
    2) had problems with his colleagues.
    3) became tired of his office work.
    4) wanted to write children's stories.

    A great ESL teacher

    Being a student of ESL - English as a second language - can be an arduous ordeal. Many of us who have experienced being ESL students understand the embarrassment of being taken out of class in front of everyone to learn how to master verbs and reshape our tongues to speak differently from what our parents taught us. What we truly need is an exceptional educator who allows us to make mistakes.

    "Any student, especially one who is learning English as their new language, requires great courage to say, 'I don't know, but I want to learn,'" explains Whaley.

    Whaley, impeccably dressed with a distinct Long Island accent that elongates vowels, doesn't appear to be someone who dabbles with markers. Before becoming a second-grade teacher, he worked at a public relations firm in New York City. He started contemplating a career change during his daily commutes on the Long Island Rail Road. "I would converse with people on the train at 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. on my way home," he reminisces. "They were individuals who had completely disconnected from the younger generation. They were solely focused on adults and the rat race. And I realized that this was not the path for me." That was 16 years ago, and he has been teaching ever since. In addition, Whaley has managed to find time to write a novel titled "Leaving Montana" and is starting to work on children's books. Last year, he received the prestigious New York State Teacher of the Year award.

    This second-grade presidential campaign exemplifies why Whaley is such an exceptional educator. He tells me that he got the idea when he asked the children one day to raise their hands if they believed they could never become the President of the United States. Their response broke his heart. "Almost every single English-language learner in the classroom believed they couldn't," recalls Whaley. The presidential speech project aims to teach the students more than just reading and speaking in public. Whaley wants these kids to learn how to celebrate their own accomplishments. "It's challenging for a child who initially lacked any confidence to stand up and read three or four words," says Whaley.

    Juggling the needs of native English speakers with those of ESL students is no easy task. It requires numerous late afternoons and early mornings. On a Tuesday morning, I drive through Long Island before the traffic builds up. The school is quiet, except for Whaley's class. Many parents have dropped their kids off early, and Whaley is already there with them.

    "A towering statue, known as the Statue of Liberty, stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor," he reads, his voice resonating through the empty hallway. Today, his students are learning about a history they are now a part of. "And last but not least, 'immigrants,'" says Whaley. "Now, this is an immensely important word as we have been exploring our ancestors."

    Whaley himself is the grandchild of Italian immigrants who settled in Long Island. He often wishes they had taught him to speak Italian, so he could be bilingual like many of his students.

    "Did all of our ancestors always reside in the United States of America?" he asks.

    A resounding "No" echoes through the room.

    "My mom and dad were born in Ecuador," a girl chimes in.

    "There you go," says Whaley. "So many of your ancestors are from Ecuador. They all share this common label: immigrant. Immigrants. Someone who comes from a different country to a new country..."

    "To have a better life," the little girl interrupts.

    "To have a better life," Whaley smiles. "You are absolutely right."

  • 15 линия
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    The expression "the rat race" in "They were solely focused on adults and the rat race" (paragraph 3) refers to...

    1) the world of business.
    2) young people.
    3) teaching career.
    4) commuting to work.

    A great ESL teacher

    Being a student of ESL - English as a second language - can be an arduous ordeal. Many of us who have experienced being ESL students understand the embarrassment of being taken out of class in front of everyone to learn how to master verbs and reshape our tongues to speak differently from what our parents taught us. What we truly need is an exceptional educator who allows us to make mistakes.

    "Any student, especially one who is learning English as their new language, requires great courage to say, 'I don't know, but I want to learn,'" explains Whaley.

    Whaley, impeccably dressed with a distinct Long Island accent that elongates vowels, doesn't appear to be someone who dabbles with markers. Before becoming a second-grade teacher, he worked at a public relations firm in New York City. He started contemplating a career change during his daily commutes on the Long Island Rail Road. "I would converse with people on the train at 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. on my way home," he reminisces. "They were individuals who had completely disconnected from the younger generation. They were solely focused on adults and the rat race. And I realized that this was not the path for me." That was 16 years ago, and he has been teaching ever since. In addition, Whaley has managed to find time to write a novel titled "Leaving Montana" and is starting to work on children's books. Last year, he received the prestigious New York State Teacher of the Year award.

    This second-grade presidential campaign exemplifies why Whaley is such an exceptional educator. He tells me that he got the idea when he asked the children one day to raise their hands if they believed they could never become the President of the United States. Their response broke his heart. "Almost every single English-language learner in the classroom believed they couldn't," recalls Whaley. The presidential speech project aims to teach the students more than just reading and speaking in public. Whaley wants these kids to learn how to celebrate their own accomplishments. "It's challenging for a child who initially lacked any confidence to stand up and read three or four words," says Whaley.

    Juggling the needs of native English speakers with those of ESL students is no easy task. It requires numerous late afternoons and early mornings. On a Tuesday morning, I drive through Long Island before the traffic builds up. The school is quiet, except for Whaley's class. Many parents have dropped their kids off early, and Whaley is already there with them.

    "A towering statue, known as the Statue of Liberty, stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor," he reads, his voice resonating through the empty hallway. Today, his students are learning about a history they are now a part of. "And last but not least, 'immigrants,'" says Whaley. "Now, this is an immensely important word as we have been exploring our ancestors."

    Whaley himself is the grandchild of Italian immigrants who settled in Long Island. He often wishes they had taught him to speak Italian, so he could be bilingual like many of his students.

    "Did all of our ancestors always reside in the United States of America?" he asks.

    A resounding "No" echoes through the room.

    "My mom and dad were born in Ecuador," a girl chimes in.

    "There you go," says Whaley. "So many of your ancestors are from Ecuador. They all share this common label: immigrant. Immigrants. Someone who comes from a different country to a new country..."

    "To have a better life," the little girl interrupts.

    "To have a better life," Whaley smiles. "You are absolutely right."

  • 16 линия
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    Whaley introduced presidential speech project to improve children's...

    1) public speaking.
    2) reading.
    3) confidence.
    4) motivation.

    A great ESL teacher

    Being a student of ESL - English as a second language - can be an arduous ordeal. Many of us who have experienced being ESL students understand the embarrassment of being taken out of class in front of everyone to learn how to master verbs and reshape our tongues to speak differently from what our parents taught us. What we truly need is an exceptional educator who allows us to make mistakes.

    "Any student, especially one who is learning English as their new language, requires great courage to say, 'I don't know, but I want to learn,'" explains Whaley.

    Whaley, impeccably dressed with a distinct Long Island accent that elongates vowels, doesn't appear to be someone who dabbles with markers. Before becoming a second-grade teacher, he worked at a public relations firm in New York City. He started contemplating a career change during his daily commutes on the Long Island Rail Road. "I would converse with people on the train at 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. on my way home," he reminisces. "They were individuals who had completely disconnected from the younger generation. They were solely focused on adults and the rat race. And I realized that this was not the path for me." That was 16 years ago, and he has been teaching ever since. In addition, Whaley has managed to find time to write a novel titled "Leaving Montana" and is starting to work on children's books. Last year, he received the prestigious New York State Teacher of the Year award.

    This second-grade presidential campaign exemplifies why Whaley is such an exceptional educator. He tells me that he got the idea when he asked the children one day to raise their hands if they believed they could never become the President of the United States. Their response broke his heart. "Almost every single English-language learner in the classroom believed they couldn't," recalls Whaley. The presidential speech project aims to teach the students more than just reading and speaking in public. Whaley wants these kids to learn how to celebrate their own accomplishments. "It's challenging for a child who initially lacked any confidence to stand up and read three or four words," says Whaley.

    Juggling the needs of native English speakers with those of ESL students is no easy task. It requires numerous late afternoons and early mornings. On a Tuesday morning, I drive through Long Island before the traffic builds up. The school is quiet, except for Whaley's class. Many parents have dropped their kids off early, and Whaley is already there with them.

    "A towering statue, known as the Statue of Liberty, stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor," he reads, his voice resonating through the empty hallway. Today, his students are learning about a history they are now a part of. "And last but not least, 'immigrants,'" says Whaley. "Now, this is an immensely important word as we have been exploring our ancestors."

    Whaley himself is the grandchild of Italian immigrants who settled in Long Island. He often wishes they had taught him to speak Italian, so he could be bilingual like many of his students.

    "Did all of our ancestors always reside in the United States of America?" he asks.

    A resounding "No" echoes through the room.

    "My mom and dad were born in Ecuador," a girl chimes in.

    "There you go," says Whaley. "So many of your ancestors are from Ecuador. They all share this common label: immigrant. Immigrants. Someone who comes from a different country to a new country..."

    "To have a better life," the little girl interrupts.

    "To have a better life," Whaley smiles. "You are absolutely right."

  • 17 линия
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    Whaley's job is difficult because he...

    1) has native and non-native students.
    2) arrives at school early in the morning.
    3) teaches a variety of subjects.
    4) has many immigrant students.

    A great ESL teacher

    Being a student of ESL - English as a second language - can be an arduous ordeal. Many of us who have experienced being ESL students understand the embarrassment of being taken out of class in front of everyone to learn how to master verbs and reshape our tongues to speak differently from what our parents taught us. What we truly need is an exceptional educator who allows us to make mistakes.

    "Any student, especially one who is learning English as their new language, requires great courage to say, 'I don't know, but I want to learn,'" explains Whaley.

    Whaley, impeccably dressed with a distinct Long Island accent that elongates vowels, doesn't appear to be someone who dabbles with markers. Before becoming a second-grade teacher, he worked at a public relations firm in New York City. He started contemplating a career change during his daily commutes on the Long Island Rail Road. "I would converse with people on the train at 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. on my way home," he reminisces. "They were individuals who had completely disconnected from the younger generation. They were solely focused on adults and the rat race. And I realized that this was not the path for me." That was 16 years ago, and he has been teaching ever since. In addition, Whaley has managed to find time to write a novel titled "Leaving Montana" and is starting to work on children's books. Last year, he received the prestigious New York State Teacher of the Year award.

    This second-grade presidential campaign exemplifies why Whaley is such an exceptional educator. He tells me that he got the idea when he asked the children one day to raise their hands if they believed they could never become the President of the United States. Their response broke his heart. "Almost every single English-language learner in the classroom believed they couldn't," recalls Whaley. The presidential speech project aims to teach the students more than just reading and speaking in public. Whaley wants these kids to learn how to celebrate their own accomplishments. "It's challenging for a child who initially lacked any confidence to stand up and read three or four words," says Whaley.

    Juggling the needs of native English speakers with those of ESL students is no easy task. It requires numerous late afternoons and early mornings. On a Tuesday morning, I drive through Long Island before the traffic builds up. The school is quiet, except for Whaley's class. Many parents have dropped their kids off early, and Whaley is already there with them.

    "A towering statue, known as the Statue of Liberty, stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor," he reads, his voice resonating through the empty hallway. Today, his students are learning about a history they are now a part of. "And last but not least, 'immigrants,'" says Whaley. "Now, this is an immensely important word as we have been exploring our ancestors."

    Whaley himself is the grandchild of Italian immigrants who settled in Long Island. He often wishes they had taught him to speak Italian, so he could be bilingual like many of his students.

    "Did all of our ancestors always reside in the United States of America?" he asks.

    A resounding "No" echoes through the room.

    "My mom and dad were born in Ecuador," a girl chimes in.

    "There you go," says Whaley. "So many of your ancestors are from Ecuador. They all share this common label: immigrant. Immigrants. Someone who comes from a different country to a new country..."

    "To have a better life," the little girl interrupts.

    "To have a better life," Whaley smiles. "You are absolutely right."

  • 18 линия
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    What is the lesson described in the end of the article about?

    1) History of Ecuador.
    2) Immigration process.
    3) Immigrants in US history.
    4) The Statue of Liberty.

    A great ESL teacher

    Being a student of ESL - English as a second language - can be an arduous ordeal. Many of us who have experienced being ESL students understand the embarrassment of being taken out of class in front of everyone to learn how to master verbs and reshape our tongues to speak differently from what our parents taught us. What we truly need is an exceptional educator who allows us to make mistakes.

    "Any student, especially one who is learning English as their new language, requires great courage to say, 'I don't know, but I want to learn,'" explains Whaley.

    Whaley, impeccably dressed with a distinct Long Island accent that elongates vowels, doesn't appear to be someone who dabbles with markers. Before becoming a second-grade teacher, he worked at a public relations firm in New York City. He started contemplating a career change during his daily commutes on the Long Island Rail Road. "I would converse with people on the train at 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. on my way home," he reminisces. "They were individuals who had completely disconnected from the younger generation. They were solely focused on adults and the rat race. And I realized that this was not the path for me." That was 16 years ago, and he has been teaching ever since. In addition, Whaley has managed to find time to write a novel titled "Leaving Montana" and is starting to work on children's books. Last year, he received the prestigious New York State Teacher of the Year award.

    This second-grade presidential campaign exemplifies why Whaley is such an exceptional educator. He tells me that he got the idea when he asked the children one day to raise their hands if they believed they could never become the President of the United States. Their response broke his heart. "Almost every single English-language learner in the classroom believed they couldn't," recalls Whaley. The presidential speech project aims to teach the students more than just reading and speaking in public. Whaley wants these kids to learn how to celebrate their own accomplishments. "It's challenging for a child who initially lacked any confidence to stand up and read three or four words," says Whaley.

    Juggling the needs of native English speakers with those of ESL students is no easy task. It requires numerous late afternoons and early mornings. On a Tuesday morning, I drive through Long Island before the traffic builds up. The school is quiet, except for Whaley's class. Many parents have dropped their kids off early, and Whaley is already there with them.

    "A towering statue, known as the Statue of Liberty, stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor," he reads, his voice resonating through the empty hallway. Today, his students are learning about a history they are now a part of. "And last but not least, 'immigrants,'" says Whaley. "Now, this is an immensely important word as we have been exploring our ancestors."

    Whaley himself is the grandchild of Italian immigrants who settled in Long Island. He often wishes they had taught him to speak Italian, so he could be bilingual like many of his students.

    "Did all of our ancestors always reside in the United States of America?" he asks.

    A resounding "No" echoes through the room.

    "My mom and dad were born in Ecuador," a girl chimes in.

    "There you go," says Whaley. "So many of your ancestors are from Ecuador. They all share this common label: immigrant. Immigrants. Someone who comes from a different country to a new country..."

    "To have a better life," the little girl interrupts.

    "To have a better life," Whaley smiles. "You are absolutely right."